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New revolutionary model of IQOS 3 DUO charges for two HEETS at once at half of charging time

Phillip Morris has introduced a new model of IQOS 3 - DUO in a new color today. The holder allows you to smoke two Heets at once. At the same time the holder is charged for the first one at half of the regular charging time in comparison with the regular IQOS 3.



Today’s introduction of the IQOS 3 DUO in Japan was a great success since the new model meets the requested innovation. No more spending time  on charging while having a morning coffee or during a break at work. The holder is ready for your first Heet at half of the regular charging time in comparison with the older models and in 3,5 min is even fully charged for two Heets at once.


You can see on the picture the newly added second light, every single one signals the charging status for one HEET. These can be enjoyed - but not necessarily - one after another. Once the first HEET is done, you can return the holder back to the charger and in 3,5 min it will be ready again for two HEETS. On the other hand, you can opt for enjoying two HEETS at once. After just two minutes of returning the holder back to the charger you can enjoy one HEET or in 3,5 min two at once.


IQOS 3 DUO Copper

All together with the new model, a new color was released - copper. The currently available colors are still in the stores, you can choose from:

  • IQOS 3 DUO - Copper
  • IQOS 3 DUO - Warm White
  • IQOS 3 DUO - Stellar Blue
  • IQOS 3 DUO - Brilliant Gold
  • IQOS 3 DUO - Velvet Gray 

The sales for the new model IQOS 3 DUO has started today in Japan. The new model should reach Europe within two months, just in time for Christmas.

The IQOS 3 Duo will replace the IQOS 3 in the future. The price of the device will be similar to the previous model, IQOS 3. Such a revolutionary change makes us really enthusiastic and we cannot wait to see it in the stores. What is your opinion about the improvements made on the IQOS 3? Let us know in the comments!


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